Trenutna cena kukuruza na tržištu i predviđanje njenoga kretanja

Da li verujete da će cena dostići 300 € po toni ??

  • Da

    Glasovi: 183 53,5%
  • Ne

    Glasovi: 159 46,5%

  • Ukupno glasača
ja sam krunio nešto po 16 din.a evro je bio 101 din a nešto po 20din kada je evro bio 107din i u oba slučaja vlaga nije bila ispod 23-25% tako da sam čekao sada da ga krunim izgubio bih na težini jer bi bio suv kao barut a da ne pričamo koliko bi izgubio na kursnoj razlici tako da sam ja super prošao ali i dalje stoim iza tvrdnje da se kruni onda kada ti pare trebaju i ja sam krunio po 16din.kada sam pravio svadbu ali ne svoju već sa udavao ćerku
Citam neki sajt i kaze u Americi kukuruzi ulaze u fazu metlicenja u pojedinim regionima,ukoliko se nastave temperature koje su trenutno bice smanjeni prinosi i pise o trgovanju uopste.Ceka se ozbiljnija kisa kao i kod nas,a gledao sam tamo temperature juce i danas idu i do 45c
Evo teksta:
Wed 20 Jun 2012 14:42:03 CT
Related Keywords: Agriculture
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September Corn finished up 1 1/4 at 568 3/4, 1 off the high and 16 1/4 up from the low. December Corn closed up 3 at 566 1/2. This was 17 3/4 up from the low and 1 off the high. December corn traded a 19 cent range today and finished positive near the end of trading today. The 11-15 day forecast is unchanged with cooler temperatures for most of the Corn Belt but extremely light rainfall. December corn saw profit taking after yesterday's rally but found support on an uninspiring weather forecast to finish out the month of June and heading into July. Southern Midwest and northern Delta regions should begin pollination next week and the prospect for higher than normal temperatures and below normal rainfall will likely reduce yield. Traders see weekly export sales for corn near 550,000 tonnes for the release for tomorrow morning. December corn settled near the highs of the day despite a firmer U.S. Dollar following statements made by the Fed this afternoon. September Rice finished down 0.005 at 14.745, 0.105 off the high and equal to the low.
citam neki sajt i kaze u americi kukuruzi ulaze u fazu metlicenja u pojedinim regionima,ukoliko se nastave temperature koje su trenutno bice smanjeni prinosi i pise o trgovanju uopste.ceka se ozbiljnija kisa kao i kod nas,a gledao sam tamo temperature juce i danas idu i do 45c
evo teksta:
Wed 20 jun 2012 14:42:03 ct
related keywords: agriculture
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september corn finished up 1 1/4 at 568 3/4, 1 off the high and 16 1/4 up from the low. December corn closed up 3 at 566 1/2. This was 17 3/4 up from the low and 1 off the high. December corn traded a 19 cent range today and finished positive near the end of trading today. The 11-15 day forecast is unchanged with cooler temperatures for most of the corn belt but extremely light rainfall. December corn saw profit taking after yesterday's rally but found support on an uninspiring weather forecast to finish out the month of june and heading into july. Southern midwest and northern delta regions should begin pollination next week and the prospect for higher than normal temperatures and below normal rainfall will likely reduce yield. Traders see weekly export sales for corn near 550,000 tonnes for the release for tomorrow morning. December corn settled near the highs of the day despite a firmer u.s. Dollar following statements made by the fed this afternoon. September rice finished down 0.005 at 14.745, 0.105 off the high and equal to the low.

daj oces ti ili leka da nam prevedete, nismo mi amerikanci kao vas dvojica
:ppozdrav:leko, izvini, ja sam optimista:haha: Izvini, nisam mogao da se suzdrzim. Inace i ja sam ubedjen kao i ti cena mora gore!
Naletio sam na zanimljiv grafikon kretanja cijene kukuruza u USA od 1860g do danas.

Lokve ,cena od 19.3-19.8 din sa PDV.
Po najavama cena iz ambara ide dole jedini razlog da ljudi ne krune i zauzmu magacinski prostor koji postaje tesan jer je ječam počeo da se kosi a cena mu je 23,oo din:sta: ovo nije provereno ali bi bilo lepo da je istina.
Vec sam ranije napisao. Ponovicu 190e/t. To je moje misljenje na osnovu odvijanja trzista u ovoj godini.