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Па нека је набаве, овако бар имаш шансе да заштитиш своју породицу и себе. А овако да само молиш Бога да ће те промашити или заобићи. Флоскула да живимо у безбедном времену је највећа глупост, када нам мигранти шетају наоружани и шенлуче по улицама шта да очекујеш да се код нас неће нешто овако десити?I nosio bi pistolj na koncert? Sta sa ostalima koji nemaju dozvolu za nosenje?
Dobro je Momo, nemoraš nas više ubeđivati da naivni ameri opet nisu krivi..Ni to nije logicno . Aludiras da su u ove dogadjaje koje si nabrojao umijesani cia ili slicno . Cak i da jesu , u tim slucajevima nisu oni najavili par dana ranije da ce se to desiti , a u ovom slucaju jesu.
Zanimljiv napad , dovezli se kombijem pred ulaz dvorane , pjesacka zona , zemlja u ratu a unutra 6000 ljudi a od policije ni p nema, pa valjda takve dogadjaje osigurava bar 20-tak policajaca sto uniformisanih sto u civilu i u vukojebinama ali ne u Moskvi.Moze biti da su sami sebi napravili "terorosticki napad" pa da mogu legalno da hapse kogod im smeta?To je kao ono u njujorku,niko nikad nije sa sigurnoscu siguran sta se desilo!Oni arapi to nisu mogli sami da izvedu!
Ajmo sad da o terijama zavere!
I samo nas on moze sacuvati...Ко год даје крив је.бо му пас матер.
Него јели слушао ко јутрос на вестима нашег председника? Спрема нас човек за нека жешћа сра.ња. По његовом треба да очекујемо глобални рат врло ускоро и каже има да нас изгине више него у другом светском рату. Е сада како је то изјавио испало је по оној чувеној "многи ћете да изгинете, а неки ћемо и да преживимо"!
A upozorenje koje su dobili od Americkih obavjestajaca ,Putin je javno nazvao propagandom , ucjenom i izazivanjem nereda i haosa. Umjesto da je rekao hvala,obraticemo paznju.Zanimljiv napad , dovezli se kombijem pred ulaz dvorane , pjesacka zona , zemlja u ratu a unutra 6000 ljudi a od policije ni p nema, pa valjda takve dogadjaje osigurava bar 20-tak policajaca sto uniformisanih sto u civilu i u vukojebinama ali ne u Moskvi.
A Amerika ide pravim putem?Mnogo vi držite tog Putina kao sposobnog i vizionara , a rezultati nažalost da Rusiju vodi lagano stranputicom.
Dali Amerika sluša upozorenja ruskih službi kada ima terorističke napade u svojoj zemlji(daleko češće)?A upozorenje koje su dobili od Americkih obavjestajaca ,Putin je javno nazvao propagandom , ucjenom i izazivanjem nereda i haosa. Umjesto da je rekao hvala,obraticemo paznju.
Isto kao sto kolega mirosti na moj komentar kako su Amerikanci upozoravali na moguci teroristicki napad kaze da ja branim njihovu nevinost? Slicno
ne samo to, evo jos malo:Zanimljiv napad , dovezli se kombijem pred ulaz dvorane , pjesacka zona , zemlja u ratu a ...
Some inconsistencies between official reports and eyewitness accounts of the terrorist attack in Crocus City Hall.
Millions of video surveillance cameras are installed in Moscow. At the same time, terrorists, armed to the teeth, are easily moving around the city in cars with fake license plates.
Crocus has a contract with the Okhrana Federal State Unitary Enterprise of the National Guard. But the video from the lobby and other rooms where terrorists are shooting people shows no resistance from the guards. There are no guards among the dead or wounded either.
Survivors report that the guards did not check bags and clothes before entering Crocus, and the metal detectors were turned off.
Even without taking into account warnings about possible terrorist attacks from foreign embassies, the Russian authorities are already constantly reporting about increased vigilance.
Terrorists leave a "lead" in the form of a car in which they arrived and about which everything is already known.
It is reported that the very same white Renault with terrorists was detained in the Bryansk region on the way to the Ukrainian border.
Why didn't the attackers change the car the whole country was looking for? Even if they were on their way to Ukraine, why through Bryansk, where the border zone is maximally fortified and protected?
It is claimed that the building was set on fire using gasoline from canisters.
Was it really enough for a fire of this magnitude in a building built to all fire safety requirements?
Why are there no signs of automatic fire extinguishing systems working? They were checked so thoroughly after the tragedy in Kemerovo's Zimnyaya Vishnya shopping mall.
Spetsnaz drove for over an hour, even though the OMON military base is 8 minutes from Crocus.
The firefighters did not put out the fire before Spetsnaz arrived. Spetsnaz waited until they finished putting out the fire to start the assault.
As if someone was interested in more casualties or the escape of terrorists.
At the moment, it is reported that the number of victims of the terrorist attack in Crocus has reached 143 people.
The video shows the completely collapsed dome of the Crocus City Hall concert venue.
Trebalo bi.Dali Amerika sluša upozorenja ruskih službi kada ima terorističke napade u svojoj zemlji(daleko češće)?
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