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Ma da.....Njemačka medicina je najbolja na svijetu....profa je objasnio a na kraju video je pomenuo i Njemačku.Karlsrue institut tehnologije , sjecam se , uglavnom , tamo studenti i profesori vrijedno rade svoj posao , sta bi drugo kad su studenti tehnologije i profesori , a negdje drugdje vataju zjale po tiktoku , i kukaju kako nikako da nam krene
Ta voda je vec topla , tako da netreba plin za zagrijavanje . Jos pitanja?I jos samo da otkriju kako da je zagriju bez Ruskog plina i onda smo na konju.
osim: saudijske arabije, kuvajta, ujedinjenih arapskih emirata i rusije (rudna renta na naftu i gas u rusiji je 25% a kod nas braca rusi placaju 3% ili 7%)Koje pare???Rudna renta je crkavica od koje ne može da živi ni jedna država na svijtu.
Koliko nanograma po litri ima tog litijuma.Ta voda je vec topla , tako da netreba plin za zagrijavanje . Jos pitanja?
ko jos normalan greje toplu vodu?I jos samo da otkriju kako da je zagriju bez Ruskog plina i onda smo na konju.
Limits of Lithium Extraction from Thermal Water
According to them, it might be possible in theory to extract thousands of tons of lithium every year in Germany
Nista za sada od toga200mg cak
Still, some scientists and companies caution it's too soon to cry victory.
“Technologically, it is already possible to drill that deep for geothermal purposes and we also have the means to extract lithium,” said Michael Schmidt, a research associate at the German Mineral Resources Agency. “But it remains to be seen whether it makes sense economically and ecologically.”
The extraction method “hasn’t been established at an industrial scale anywhere else yet,” Schmidt added. “Currently, there is no company in the world that extracts lithium coupled to geothermal energy. There is still basic geological research to be done."
Some researchers also say that Vulcan's projections for how much lithium it can extract in the region are overblown.
According to two recent studies published by the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), domestic resources could only cover about 5 percent to 19 percent of the annual demand for planned German battery cell production — in the “most optimistic scenario.”
Neće moći. Da bi para pokrenula turbinu mora nabiti pritisak od 180 bara, a to ide sa temperaturama preko 500 stepeni. Mogu sa geotermalnom vodom grejati stanove, čak i čitave gradove, ali neće ni vat energije proizvesti.nemci grade elekranu (u planu je) na geotermalnu vodu (paru)
Neće moći. ...neće ni vat energije proizvesti.
Geothermal power in Iceland refers to the use of geothermal energy in Iceland for electricity generation.
Iceland has recently been self-sufficient in producing electricity, consistently meeting or exceeding electricity demand in the country mainly through geothermal and hydropower generation.[8] In 2020, 99.94% of electricity in Iceland was produced by hydro and geothermal means, with 13,157 and 5,961 gigawatt hours (GWh) produced respectively.[5] Geothermal energy accounts for over a quarter of Iceland’s electric power production.
Zavrsni stadijum ludila ce biti da svevisnji namaze na g.vno margarin i da ga pojede . Toliko desavanja iz dana u dan da vise nista ne mozes da pohvatas . Novo je to da prosvetari od ponedeljka stupaju u strajk i casovi ce biti 30 minuta . Naravno o tome danas ni reci na nacionalnoj frek.Za probavu...
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Vucic jede najbolje 🤣🤣🤣 #mali #debil #vucic #parizer #jebomatersvoju