Ponovo o GMO

e ajmo sada o gmo, uticaj na ljude zivotinje, dali zanate za posledice na mozak zivotinja koje su se hranile gmo proizvode - 30%, zasto su ruske krave u jednoj njihovoj naj farmi umesto mleka davale krv hranjene su gmo kukuruzom zaboravi sam oznaku a taj kukuruz je bio nesto naj?
Momo sve što ima veze sa monsantom je vezano za gmo. Da oni nisu korumpirali ceo američki sistem (slika na predhodnoj strani) možda bi se stvari odvijale potpuno drugačije ili bi se odvijale daleko sporije i sigurnije.
MOMOSARIC Ko te plaća da stalno miniraš ovu temu.Ako nemaš nikakav kontra argument molim te ne komentariši više na ovoj temi.Kolega dzionik je lepo postavio šemu povezanosti monsanta sa ostalim organizacijama svedskog sistema .Dovoljno je videti samo ime Friedman pa da normalnom čoveku bude jasno da se sve vrti oko profita a ne o brizi za čovečanstvo.
Ma piso sam više puta da je kod nas zakonom zabranjena upotreba GM sjemena , i dok je tako treba svi da poštujemo . Nego jednostavno ako vidim neku tvrdnju sa kojom se ne slažem kao na primer da je bio-tech sjeme štetno po zdravlje , napišem šta mislim , ili da su monsantovi hibridi kukuruza Dekalb kod nas GMO , glupost.
Kolega Dzionik dobije od nekog pp da smo mi neki ovde budale , a on umjesto da napiše tom liku da smo mi ovde neke kolege , gdje svako iznosi svoje mišljenje a ne budale , on ga citira.
Al nema veze neću više ovde komentarisati , pa neka bude da Rusi muzu krv umjesto mlijeka , a većina Američkih krava jedu GM kukuruz pa oni ne muzu krv nego daju svojoj djeci.
Pa čovek je tako napisao u poruci jer ima ljudi kojima nevredi objašnjavati i bespotrebno trošiti reči i slova.Njihovi argumenti su "pa šta, jede ceo svet gmo pa i mi ćemo",nemisleći na svoju decu,unuke,praunuke.....na kraju krajeva ni na zemljište gde bi to sejali.Čovek se udaljio previše od prirode i njenih zakonitosti a u skladu sa tim(jurnjava za profitom)i od zdravog načina razmišljanja tj.samog postojanja i života na ovoj planeti.

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Teško svako od nas može da pomogne komšiji,rođaku,drugim ljudima(jer svako ima neko svoje mišljenje)ali može pomoći svojoj porodici i porodu i budućim pokolenjima da zdravorazumski razmišlja i da se iole zdravo hrani bez GMO smeća.
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Momo nemoj da si na kraj srca verujem da niko nije mislio na tebe kao b... a najmanje ja. Ti se trudiš da uneseš malo stručnosti u ovu temu što veoma cenim.
Samo sam hteo da istaknem kako ljudi počinju da zaziru od komentarisanja na ovoj temi da ne bi ulazili u konflikte i bili okarakterisani na razne negativne načine. Zbog nekolicine koje je Miroslav dobro opisao u gornje postu.
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Conflict of interest: Food activists take issue with the fact that the former chief lobbyist for Monsanto, the dominant maker of genetically modified seeds and pesticides, oversees the nation's food safety. (Alex Garcia/Chicago Tribune)
By Monica Eng7:51 p.m. CST, February 17, 2012

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If you belong to any progressive mailing lists, chances are you’ve recently been urged to sign a petition calling for the removal of Michael Taylor as head of food safety at the Food and Drug Administration.
Food activists take issue with the fact that the former chief lobbyist for Monsanto, the dominant maker of genetically modified seeds and pesticides, oversees the nation’s food safety. Here’s a bit on the recent GMO kerfuffle.
More than 413,000 have signed the petition (on signon.org, a tool launched by Moveon.org) urging President Barack Obama to fire the man who, to many, represents the epitome of the revolving door between industry lobbyists and regulatory agency executives. In recent weeks, Moveon.org, Credo, Food Democracy and Eco Watch have all encouraged their followers to sign the petition, which was started by an Atlanta man named Frederick Ravid.
With these recent high profile endorsements, the numbers of petition signers have jumped dramatically, leading some surprising Taylor supporters to jump into the fray today with anopen letter to MoveOn.
These included about eight academics, food safety advocates and the Center for Science in the Public Interest who have been impressed with Taylor's work in food safety.
“Michael Taylor is a devoted public official and I thought it was outrageous that he was being attacked in this mindless petition, “ said Michael Jacobson, the executive director of the CSPI, an organization normally known for holding government and industry feet to the fire.
But while CSPI has been an aggressive watchdog on many food issues, it has notably diverged from most food watchdogs in its lack of criticism for genetically modified foods.
The letter called the petition a bald “character assassination” and questioned its assertion that several types of cancer may be connected to genetically modified foods. While many studies have indicated adverse health outcomes connected to GMOs, Jacobson notes that no governmental regulatory agencies have embraced this research.
When asked how CSPI feels in general about former industry lobbyists becoming regulatory officials, he said, “We're suspicious but we don’t take it to mean that anyone who has worked with any company is opposed to the public interest. You have to look at this on an individual basis. If you work for a big company it doesn’t automatically mean you are villain.”
The open letter notes that the signatories hold “a diversity of views” on genetically engineered food, but “are unanimous in our belief that Taylor is a valued deputy commissioner and we regret that this factually untrue Internet smear campaign has attracted so much support.”
The letter continues with the following statement. The comments in parentheses belong to the writers of the letter.
“Reasonable people can disagree about Monsanto’s corporate policies (often bad), or the quality of government oversight of GE foods (inadequate) or the appropriateness of genetically modified crops in the first place. But all of us agree that there is no foundation for the outlandish statements made in the petition.”
While the letter asks Moveon.org to send an email to its members correcting what they see as errors in the petition, the director of Moveon’s Signon.org Steven Biel sent the Tribune a note Friday saying only this:
"Michael Taylor is just another example of the revolving door between lobbyists and government that has made the American people so distrustful of Washington politics. Mr. Taylor went from working at the FDA to working at Monsanto and back to the FDA. Of course this back and forth raises questions about his ability to remain impartial regarding decisions that impact Monsanto's bottom line.
"The American people deserve an unbiased approach to protecting our food. That's why the nearly 500,000 people who signed the petition on SignOn.org urge President Obama to seek a qualified replacement with no such conflicts of interest."
In a USA Today post about the issue, Taylor says he does not involve himself in decisions o GMO issues. Still, critics find that hard to believe as GM foods are now a central part of the American diet. Additionally, the FDA oversees some of the most important decisions having to do with genetically modified foods.
One of the biggest is the decision over whether or not to label GMOs in the U.S. Like the Taylor petition, a petition urging the FDA to require labeling (through a campaign calledJust Label It) has also gathered more than a half a million supporters.
...a većina Američkih krava jedu GM kukuruz pa oni ne muzu krv nego daju svojoj djeci.

Čovek mora da se zaprepasti kada ovako nešto pročita. Znači što Amerikanci daju svojoj deci po definiciji mora da bude zdravo. Uzmi pa pogledaj američke izveštaje o drastičnom rastu oboljenja američke dece. Za sve je kriva nezdrava ishrana. I za srčana oboljenja i za bolesnu debljinu i za dijabetis, sve više srčanih oboljenja, jakih alergijua kod dece i tako dalje i tako dalje....

Ljudima polako dolazi iz dupeta u glavu:

Vlada Francuske zatražila je od Evropske komisije da suspenduje dozvolu za uzgajanje genetski modifikovane kulture kukuruza MON810 američke kompanije Monsanto.
Francuska je u februaru 2008. godine već stavila moratorijum na genetski modifikovane kulture. Međutim, Evropski sud pravde u Luksemburgu je poništio tu odluku, a u novembru je to učinila i najviša upravna instanca u Francuskoj, Državni savet. Vlada u Parizu odmah je ponovila da se protivi uzgajanju kuuruza MON810, a ministarka životne sredine obećala je da će tražiti zabranu pre setve, koja počinje početkom marta.
Kako je saopštilo Ministarstvo životne sredine 20. februara, zahtev je potkrepljen "najnovijihm naučnim studijama", između ostalog i mišljenjem Evropske agencije za bezbednost hrane iz decembra 2011. koje je pokazalo da uzgajanje genetski modifikovanog kukuruza predstavlja značajan rizik za okolinu.............................
"Ukoliko EU ne preudzme nešto, možemo aktivirati zaštitnu klauzulu", što je već učinilo šest zemalja EU - Nemačka, Mađarska, Bugarska, Austrija, Grčka i Luksemburg, rekla je francuska ministarka. "Nismo jedini koji imaju rezerve prema Monsantu 810", istakla je ona.
Znači ne samo Frasncuzi. Nemačka, Mađarska, Bugarska, Austrija, Grčka,Luksemburg su nečekajući sporu EU reagovali i stavili ovaj proizvod "van zakona".
Poslednja izmena:
[h=2]Bizarre Quote of the Week: Monsanto Supports GMO Labeling?[/h] "You have a right to know what you eat, especially when it's better…After several months of debate, Europe has just adopted a new law for the labeling of food that comes from genetically engineered plants…We believe that products that come from biotechnology are better and that they should be labeled."
- (Text from a Monsanto advertisement that appeared in French magazines in 1998.)
Cited in Bill Lambrecht's book, Dinner at the New Gene Café. St. Martin's Press, 2001

Zaista bizarno...
I sada ce nasi ne samo da prate EU nego ce da odu i dalje nebili ispunili uslove koje od njih trazi SAD.Ili ce mozda tek posle izbora Iovako svakakvo smece uvoze e tek onda smo naje....::jako_besan::
Pa probali su tada da provuku gmo kao bolji a danas skupljaju milione dolara za kampanju protiv obeležavanja u Kaliforniji.
to je toliko jadno sta politika radi zarad kesa i pare pomesane sa politikpom pa to je najaci GMO .

Pitam se dali ce nase podnevlje sa ovakvim ministrima uspeti da se izbori sa ovim opakim zlom koje nam kuca na vrata.