@lle de france
koliko je to skupo i, ako moze link na site proizvodjaca?
Post je spojen: [time]Fri Dec 4 11:39:25 2009[/time]
@lle de france
Hvala, nasao sam odgovore, stvarno odlicna stvar za domacinstvo uopste. Evomalo slika i teksta, ali bez prevoda. Za one koji su slabi sa engleskim mislim da ipak razumljivo.
Preg-Tone Pregnancy Detector ili Pregnancy Detector for Sheep/Goats
No guessing and no question. 100% accuracy between 30 and 45 days depending on the animal type.
Nema pogadjanja i pitanja. 100% tacnosti izmedju 30 i 45 dana u zavisnosti od vrste zivotinja.
Nisu dali cenu.
Cena: 449.95 US$
Cena: 381.75 US$
Swine (
Testing may begin as early as 18 days (large litters, 11-12 piglets, will show positive at this stage), and open sows can be diagnosed as early as 30 days. Normal testing time in sows and gilts is 30-73 days.
Sheep (
Using the position shown above, pregnancy testing in ewes can begin at 35 days with most diagnoses made by 45 days. Testing can also be done in the normal standing position, providing diagnosis at 60-65 days.
Goats (Koze):
Testing may begin at 30-40 days on the right side. Put oil on test site. Probe is placed 2 in. (5cm) in front of the rear leg and 1-in (2.5cm) above the teat. When probe is in good contact, the intermittent tone will be heard. Aim probe 45° upwards and forwards i.e. towards the last rib. Scan across the uterus. If pregnant, the tone will turn into a continuous tone. Dairy goats such as the Oberhasli can be tested as early at 20 days.
A fast, safe and accurate ultrasonic pregnancy detector calibrated for use with sheep and goats. The Preg-Tone uses high frequency sound waves to detect amniotic fluid present during pregnancy. When this fluid is detected, the instrument produces a loud continuous tone. Non-pregnancy causes an intermittent recurring tone. Accurate results can be obtained as early as 35 days gestation for sheep or 30 days for goats.