Blizi li se kraj sveta?

Odg: 2012 kraj sveta

Зар датум није 21.12.2012.г?
Odg: 2012 kraj sveta

Epona tačan ti je datum smaka sveta (dopisivaćemo se mi i 22. 12. 2012. jer neće grom u koprive).
Odg: 2012 kraj sveta

21.12.2012. ? Odlično, datum mi odgovara, taman da proslavim Svetog Nikolu.... ::namigivanje::
Odg: 2012 kraj sveta

Fri Oct 15, 9:56 PM

WASHINGTON (AFP) - The end of the world as we know it cannot be avoided, but it can be predicted, according to a group of astrophysicists who see a 50 percent chance of the final countdown ending in 3.7 billion years.


"Time is unlikely to end in our lifetime, but there is a 50 percent chance that time will end within the next 3.7 billion years," according to the team of US and Japanese scientists, who are challenging a long-standing theory of the universe.

While scientists have long concluded that the universe is expanding, and will do so for an infinite period of time, the researchers say the very rules of physics suggest that "an eternally inflating universe" is far from given.

"The point of this paper is to show that certain methods and assumptions that have been widely used by physicists for years -- most prominently, the use of a time cutoff in order to compute probabilities in an eternally inflating universe -- lead to the conclusion that time will end," Raphael Bousso of the University of California, Berkeley told AFP.

"In other words, the time cutoff, which we may have thought was just a calculational tool, actually behaves like a physical event, whether we like it or not," said Bousso, lead author of the study published on

Current theories of the universe begin with the "Big Bang," which cast our living space into being some 13.7 billion years ago in a massive explosion.

Since then, theorists have assumed the universe will simply continue to expand forever, but have also used a theoretical expiration date to help calculate the laws and rules of physics.

But Bousso and his colleagues says the discipline simply cannot have it both ways.

He cautioned however that the complex thought experiment and calculations proposed by the research could not be used to draw definitive conclusions.

"It's very important to understand that we are not saying that we are certain of the conclusion that time will end (though we cannot rule out that it may be correct)," he wrote.

But he said even if the theory was false, discovering why that was the case would help scientists better understand the universe.

"In science, this kind of reasoning is often valuable: you realize that your reasonable-seeming theory predicts something that sounds crazy, so you have to come to grips with that," he told AFP.

"Either you have to abandon the theory, or you have to understand why the crazy-sounding thing may not actually be so crazy."

For astrophysicist Charles Lineweaver, of Australian National University's Mount Stromlo Observatory, Bousso's conclusions are simply incorrect.

"Bousso's average life of a universe is a set time, only because that's what happens when you introduce a cutoff point to get a reasonable probability," he told ABC Television.

"It's a statistical technique being taken probably too seriously," he added.

But Bousso said he and his team had not invented or introduced anything.

"These cutoffs have been used by many leading physicists for years," he told AFP. "We merely pointed out that it's not such an innocent thing to do.

"The cutoff on time is inevitably physical and hence requires a physical justification. It cannot be considered a mere mathematical trick."

Toilko o 2012 ::lose::
Odg: 2012 kraj sveta


Kraj sveta kavog znamo ne moze biti izbegnut, ali moze biti predvidjen, prema grupi astrofizicara koji vide 50% sanse odbrojavanje sa zavrsetkom za 3.7 milijardi godina.

"Vreme nije verovatno da se zavrsi za vreme nasih zivota, ali postoje sanse da se zavrsi u sledecih 3.7 milijardi godina", sudeci prema teoriji Americko-Japanskog tima naucnika koji izazivaju dugo stojecu teoriju univerzuma.

Posto su naucnici davno uvideli da se univerzum neprekidno siri, i sirice se u nedogledno vreme, istrazivaci kazu da osnovni zakoni fizike kazu da "zauvek povecavanje univerzuma" je daleko od danog.

Poenta ovo rada je da pokaze da izricite metode i predpostavke koje su bile siroko koriscene od strane fizicara godinama -- naj vidljivije, koriscenjem sece vremena radi izracunanja verovatnoce u zauvek povecavanju univerzuma-- vodi ka zakljucku da vce se vreme zavrsiti, " Rafael Busso iz Kalifornijskog Univerziteta Berkli je rekao AFP-u.

Drugim recima seca vremena koju smo smatrali alatom za kalkulaciju, zapravo se ponasa kao fizicki dogadjaj dopalo se to nama ili ne rekao je Busso vodeci autor studije izdavane na

Sadasnje teorije nastanka sveta pocinju "velikim praskom" koji je zabacio nas svet u zivot nekih 13.7 milijardi godina unazad velikom eksplozijom.

Od tada, teoreticari su pretpostavili da ce se univerzum siriti u nedogled ali su isto koristili teoreticki rok trajanja kao pomoc u racunanju zakona i pravila fizike.

Ali Bousso i njegove kolege kazu da disciplina jednostavno ne moze ici u oba smera.

On je u svakom slucaju upozorio da kompleksna misao i kalkulacije predlagne od strane istrazivanja ne mogu biti koriscene za konacno rasudjivanje.

" Veoma je vazno razumeti da mi ne kazemo da smo sigurni u konkluziji da ce se vreme zavrsiti ( iako ne mozemo odbaciti da je to tacno)," napisao je on.

Ali, rekao je on, cak iako je teorija netacna, otkriti zasto je to bio slucaj moze pomoci naucnicima da bolje razumeju univerzum.

U nauci, ovaj nacin razumevanja je cesto vredan: uvidjanje da na izgled razumna teorija predvidja nesto sto zvuci ludo, tako da moras da se uhvatis sa time, rekao je on AFP-u.

Ili moras da napustis teoriju, ili moras razumes zasto nesto sto zvuci ludo nije ustvari toliko ludo.

Za astrofizicara Carlsa Lajmvivera iz Australijske observatorije Nacionalnog Univerziteta Maunt Strolmo, Busovi zakljucci su jednostavno netacni.

"Busov prosecni zivot univerzuma je namesteno vreme, samo zato sto se to dogadja kad unosis tacku sece vremena kao razumnu verovatnocu," rekao je on televiziji ABC

"To je statisticka tehnika uzeta isuvise ozbiljno, dodao je on.

Ali Buso je rekao da on i njegov tim nisu izmislili ili dodali nista.

"Ova seca vremena je bila koriscena od strane fizicara godinama," rekao je on AFP-u. "Mi smo samo ukazali da to nije tako nevino uraditi".

" Seca vremena je nezaobilazno fizicka tako da zahteva fizicko opravdanje. Ne moze se smatrati kao nista vise od matematickog trika".

Evo preveo sam. Nadam se da je tacno posto sam simultano preveo sa mog predjasnjeg posta :cao: :cao: :cao:
Odg: 2012 kraj sveta

jhona DERU je napisao(la):
Jel vidoste Vi onu zgradu u Gvatemale sto je propala 60 metara pod zemlju
Al nešto je to sumnjivo dole se vidi još neki tunel i nemoguće da bude baš tako pravilan krug :sta:


ova 3 slika je sasvim drugacija od ove 2 prve.kao 1 nije istog obilka .2. nije na istom mestu pogledajte zgrade oko 1 i 2 slike a pogledajte oko 3 slike .. Malo namesteno.. I da neverujem da ce doci smak sveta.Doci ce do nekih promena klimatskih uglavnom a do smaka sveta nece... i do okretanja polova mozda dodje ali smak sveta sumnjam :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha:
Odg: 2012 kraj sveta

prva i druga slika su iste a treca je sasvim druga slika vidi se po asvaltu koji je iskrpljen
Odg: 2012 kraj sveta

Toshiba,hvala na prevodu,sada ceo svet razume-znači nema bojazni ako nema reinkarnacije
Odg: 2012 kraj sveta

Tue Oct 19, 3:29 PM

Stephanie Pappas
LiveScience Senior Writer


It's a good news/bad news situation for believers in the 2012 Mayan apocalypse. The good news is that the Mayan "Long Count" calendar may not end on Dec. 21, 2012 (and, by extension, the world may not end along with it). The bad news for prophecy believers? If the calendar doesn't end in December 2012, no one knows when it actually will - or if it has already.

A new critique, published as a chapter in the new textbook "Calendars and Years II: Astronomy and Time in the Ancient and Medieval World" (Oxbow Books, 2010), argues that the accepted conversions of dates from Mayan to the modern calendar may be off by as much as 50 or 100 years. That would throw the supposed and overhyped 2012 apocalypse off by decades and cast into doubt the dates of historical Mayan events. (The doomsday worries are based on the fact that the Mayan calendar ends in 2012, much as our year ends on Dec. 31.)

The Mayan calendar was converted to today's Gregorian calendar using a calculation called the GMT constant, named for the last initials of three early Mayanist researchers. Much of the work emphasized dates recovered from colonial documents that were written in the Mayan language in the Latin alphabet, according to the chapter's author, Gerardo Aldana, University of California, Santa Barbara professor of Chicana and Chicano Studies.

Later, the GMT constant was bolstered by American linguist and anthropologist Floyd Lounsbury, who used data in the Dresden Codex Venus Table, a Mayan calendar and almanac that charts dates relative to the movements of Venus.

"He took the position that his work removed the last obstacle to fully accepting the GMT constant," Aldana said in a statement. "Others took his work even further, suggesting that he had proven the GMT constant to be correct."

But according to Aldana, Lounsbury's evidence is far from irrefutable.

"If the Venus Table cannot be used to prove the FMT as Lounsbury suggests, its acceptance depends on the reliability of the corroborating data," he said. That historical data, he said, is less reliable than the Table itself, causing the argument for the GMT constant to fall "like a stack of cards."

Aldana doesn't have any answers as to what the correct calendar conversion might be, preferring to focus on why the current interpretation may be wrong. Looks like end-of-the-world theorists may need to find another ancient calendar on which to pin their apocalyptic hopes.

10 Failed Doomsday Predictions
Earth in the Balance: 7 Crucial Tipping Points
Top 10 Ways to Destroy Earth

Original Story: End of the Earth Postponed

Post je spojen: [time]1287559366[/time]
Da ne duzim!

Dobre vesti/lose vesti za verovaoce u smak sveta 2012. Majanski kalendar mozda ne istice 2012, niko ne zna kad u stvari istice ili je mozda vec istekao.

Dakle Hollywood nas posteno zeznuo :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha:
Post je spojen: [time]1287584673[/time]
Kalendar odstupa 50 do 100 godina :haha: :haha:
Odg: 2012 kraj sveta

Ako dodje do smaka sveta 2012, ja cu pravac SRBIJA!!!!! Tako je reko i Hrvoje u KURSADZIJAMA, kod nas ce malo da kasni taj SMAK :haha: :D Tako da cu imati jos koji dan na raspolaganju!!! :haha: :haha: :haha:
Odg: 2012 kraj sveta

Od kako znam za sebe stalno najavljuju smak sveta,a on nikako da dođe. Po bibliji on će sigurno doći!Ali kako tamo piše,dan i vreme strašnog suda zna jedino Svevišnji Bog,i niko drugi osim njega nezna. Takođe piše da će se pojaviti lažni proroci kako bi,ako budu mogli,prevariti izabrane! Prema tome ja kao Pravoslavni Hrišćanin mogu da kažem da ne verujem u taj datum. :ppozdrav:
Odg: 2012 kraj sveta

Samo se vi zaje... Kad nas udari ekonomska kriza tamo krajem 2011 ima o smaku da razmisljate kao o spasenju :ppozdrav:
Odg: 2012 kraj sveta

Mali medved je napisao(la):
Samo se vi zaje... Kad nas udari ekonomska kriza tamo krajem 2011 ima o smaku da razmisljate kao o spasenju :ppozdrav:
Koliko ja cujem i koliko se prica nece biti ekonomske krize tad vec ce biti "dobra vremena" :D