Cena soje rod 2018

Dobre vesti iz juzne amerike, u Brazilu je u najvecoj regiji za proizvodnju soje mato groso susa a u Argentini velike kolicine kise. Tako da zetva soje koja je dosta obecavala ce biti prosecna, kazu strucnjaci, inace kod njih zetva soje se ocekuje u narednih mesec dana. Sto se tice buduce cene soje kao i kod kukuruza, bez obzira na trgovinski dogovor SAD i Kine cena moze otici neznatno gore, zbog velikih kolicina zaliha sto nije slucaj sa psenicom. I novi rod psenice se moze ocekivati u ovom cenovnom opsegu.
Amerika,Brazil,Argentina i Kina drže skoro 90% proizvodnje soje, od 111 do 11 miliona tona.Mi smo oko 0,6 miliona tona.
Nesto je krenulo, nisam u toku ali danas sam video promenu posle nekih mesec i pol dana!
Da vidimo da li rod u Brazilu i Argentini ima veze sa nasom cenom soje. U obe drzave rod je znatno manji nego prethodnih godina

After seven straight years of good harvests, the soybean yields in the state of Parana will be down this year. The hardest hit area of the state was western Parana, but in northern Parana the early soybean yields have been disappointing as well. The Department of Rural Economics (Deral) is reporting that farmers in northern Parana had been expecting their 2018/19 soybeans to yield in the range of 3,300 to 3,700 kg/ha (48.8 to 54.7 bu/ac), but the hot and dry weather during December and early January has reduced that to a range of 1,950 kg/ha (28.8 bu/ac). The later planted soybeans are expected to yield somewhat better.

vise na http://www.soybeansandcorn.com/News

i tamo su pukli arendasi

In the municipality of Marechal Candido Rondon, which is located in far western Parana just across the Parana River from eastern Paraguay, the region was basically dry from the end of November to early January. The soybeans are 95% harvested and the yields are in the range of 16 to 20 sacks per hectare (14 to 17.7 bu/ac) compared to prior years when they averaged 61 to 66 sacks per hectare (54 to 58.6 bu/ac).

In addition to lower yields, farmers are also complaining about the higher cost of production in 2018/19. The price of seed, fertilizers, and chemicals were all higher this year as well the cost of freight. The freight costs alone increased approximately 30% with the implementation of a minimum freight rates imposed by the government.

The cost of producing soybeans in northern Parana is estimated at 45 sacks per hectare (40 bu/ac) if you own your land. The cost of rent is approximately 12 sacks per hectare (10.6 bu/ac). As a result, to make a profit on rented land, the soybean yields need to be in the range of 60 sacks per hectare (53.2 bu/ac)
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Danas sam prodao svu kolicinu soje, vise nisam imao zeludac da sacekam bolju cenu, taman kad krene par dana na gore ne uspeva ni da se stabilizuje dok opet pada. Tako da najlakse mi je posle prodaje pa makar otisla posle i na 50.
Inace prodata po ceni od 40.2 din.sa sve ukupno pdv-om.