Codex Alimentarius i proizvodi sa njihovom oznakom u Srbiji

Verujem onima koji kažu da je jedan od "globalnih" ciljeva ukidanje malih gazdinstva i to ne samo u ratarstvu. U svim oblaoblastima poljoprivrede. Po tim kriterijumima NPR u Srbiji osim par tajkuna, svi poljop[rivrdnici su mali!
Tvrdi se da Kodeks između ostalog tome treba da doprinese.
Kako to izgleda u praksi. Na primeru Argentine.
Zemlja je zapala u malu krizu. Da bi dobila potreban kredit morala je da dozvoli da se umeša MMF, koji je postavljao makroekonomske uslove. Mic po mic pod voćstvom MMF-a Argentina je zapala u najveću inflaciju (ako ne računamo onu našu) i još veću krizu. Onda je instalirana prozapadna(pro USA) vlada i zemlja je krenula u postepen oporavak.
Pre krize Argentina je bila veliki proizvođač zdrave i najkvalitetnije govedine na svetu. Posle krize nestalo je hiljade malih farmi a zemlju je u velikim količinama (u krizi jeftino) kupio Monsanto. Ali najveći vlasnik zemljišta je Džordž Soroš ( George Soros ). Najveći vlasnik i najveći pojedinačni proizvođač GM soje.
@biodinamika, da,da ali da li postoji resenje iz krize u koju tonemo kao u zivo blato. Pa sto se vise koprcamo a mi sve vise tonemo. :sta:
Da li postoji alternativa :sta:
Naravno da postoji Vojine - to si vec mogao da naslutis na nasem sajtu ukoliko ga posecujes! Sve ono sto smo sa puno poverenja prepustili drzavu - da brine o nama - zdravstvena zastita, obrazovanje, penziono osiguranje, snabdevanje hranom - tu odgovornost treba da preuzmemo sami u svoje ruke.

Kako imamo malo novca mislimo da smo bespomocni ali upravo u tom novcu lezi nasa moc jer mi odlucujemo gde cemo potrositi taj ubogi dinar. Npr. pa ako svako od nas prestane da kupuje cokolodu jer je u njoj soja lecitin prisilicemo te fabrike da ga izbace iz svojih proizvoda.

Jedno od resenja je da se zivo povezemo sa seljacima i da im garantujemo da cemo od njih kupovati njihove proizvode a oni da se obavezu da ce za nas proizvoditi najzdraviju mogucu hranu.

I puno toga jos...
@biodinamika , izgleda jednostavno ali ,,, Potrebna je sira akcija i vreme . Odricanje od starih navika i ucenja na tudjim a ne na svojim greskama. Biodinamika postoji bezmalo sto godina prosirena na skoro sve kontinente a kod nas i dalje po starom ista matrica i rad koji ocigledno ne daje rezultate kakve je nekad davao niti ce dati . Cene zemlje padaju a ja se uvek secam jednog starog filozofa koji kaze:
"Zemlja u rukama mudrih je zlato".
Evo jos jednog dobrog dokumentarca na ovu temu ako ga neko nema u kolekciji
Pazimo se podvale zvane Codeks alimentarius ...
vojin je napisao(la):
Potrebna je sira akcija i vreme .

Vremena imamo a koliko je ljudi potrebno za siru akciju? Koju akciju? Eto za pocetak smo tu ti i ja a siguran sam da cemo lako naci jos desetine istomisljenika. Zato hajde da vidio oko koje akcije treba da se okupio.

Hvala na filmu!
vojin je napisao(la):
@biodinamika , izgleda jednostavno ali ,,, Potrebna je sira akcija i vreme . Odricanje od starih navika i ucenja na tudjim a ne na svojim greskama. Biodinamika postoji bezmalo sto godina prosirena na skoro sve kontinente a kod nas i dalje po starom ista matrica i rad koji ocigledno ne daje rezultate kakve je nekad davao niti ce dati . Cene zemlje padaju a ja se uvek secam jednog starog filozofa koji kaze:
"Zemlja u rukama mudrih je zlato".
Evo jos jednog dobrog dokumentarca na ovu temu ako ga neko nema u kolekciji
Pazimo se podvale zvane Codeks alimentarius ...

Gledao sam film, šta reći...
Ako je neka uteha, još smo daleko od američke havarije ali ipak sve bliže. ::lose::!.html
Ni novinari ne mogu da precute !!!
cukaneca je napisao(la):

Mali doprinos stvaranju iluzija!

Za one koje interesuje istina i samo istina i koji jos uvek imaju svezinu i radoznalost duha i koji zele da pogledaju iza opsena i madjionicara - evo i teksta koji je Juhor dobio tj. sertifikat "Allgemeine Lebensmittelhygiene" ili General Principles of food hygiene:

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People have the right to expect the food they eat to be safe and suitable for consumption.
Foodborne illness and foodborne injury are at best unpleasant; at worst, they can be fatal. But
there are also other consequences. Outbreaks of foodborne illness can damage trade and tourism,
and lead to loss of earnings, unemployment and litigation. Food spoilage is wasteful, costly and
can adversely affect trade and consumer confidence.
International food trade, and foreign travel, are increasing, bringing important social and
economic benefits. But this also makes the spread of illness around the world easier. Eating
habits too, have undergone major change in many countries over the last two decades and new
food production, preparation and distribution techniques have developed to reflect this. Effective
hygiene control, therefore, is vital to avoid the adverse human health and economic consequences
of foodborne illness, foodborne injury, and food spoilage. Everyone, including farmers and
growers, manufacturers and processors, food handlers and consumers, has a responsibility to
assure that food is safe and suitable for consumption.
These General Principles lay a firm foundation for ensuring food hygiene and should be used in
conjunction with each specific code of hygienic practice, where appropriate, and the guidelines on
microbiological criteria. The document follows the food chain from primary production through
to final consumption, highlighting the key hygiene controls at each stage. It recommends a
HACCP-based approach wherever possible to enhance food safety as described in Hazard
Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) System and Guidelines for its Application (Annex).
The controls described in this General Principles document are internationally recognized as
essential to ensure the safety and suitability of food for consumption. The General Principles are
commended to Governments, industry (including individual primary producers, manufacturers,
processors, food service operators and retailers) and consumers alike.
• identify the essential principles of food hygiene applicable throughout the food chain
(including primary production through to the final consumer), to achieve the goal of ensuring
that food is safe and suitable for human consumption;
• recommend a HACCP-based approach as a means to enhance food safety;
• indicate how to implement those principles; and
• provide a guidance for specific codes which may be needed for - sectors of the food chain;
processes; or commodities; to amplify the hygiene requirements specific to those areas.
2.1.1 The food chain
This document follows the food chain from primary production to the final consumer, setting out
the necessary hygiene conditions for producing food which is safe and suitable for consumption.
The document provides a base-line structure for other, more specific, codes applicable to
particular sectors. Such specific codes and guidelines should be read in conjunction with this
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document and Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) System and Guidelines for
its Application (Annex).
2.1.2 Roles of Governments, industry, and consumers
Governments can consider the contents of this document and decide how best they should
encourage the implementation of these general principles to:
• protect consumers adequately from illness or injury caused by food; policies need to consider
the vulnerability of the population, or of different groups within the population;
• provide assurance that food is suitable for human consumption;
• maintain confidence in internationally traded food; and
• provide health education programmes which effectively communicate the principles of food
hygiene to industry and consumers.
Industry should apply the hygienic practices set out in this document to:
• provide food which is safe and suitable for consumption;
• ensure that consumers have clear and easily-understood information, by way of labelling and
other appropriate means, to enable them to protect their food from contamination and
growth/survival of foodborne pathogens by storing, handling and preparing it correctly; and
• maintain confidence in internationally traded food.
Consumers should recognize their role by following relevant instructions and applying
appropriate food hygiene measures.
2.2 USE
Each section in this document states both the objectives to be achieved and the rationale behind
those objectives in terms of the safety and suitability of food.
Section III covers primary production and associated procedures. Although hygiene practices
may differ considerably for the various food commodities and specific codes should be applied
where appropriate, some general guidance is given in this section. Sections IV to X set down the
general hygiene principles which apply throughout the food chain to the point of sale. Section IX
also covers consumer information, recognizing the important role played by consumers in
maintaining the safety and suitability of food.
There will inevitably be situations where some of the specific requirements contained in this
document are not applicable. The fundamental question in every case is “what is necessary and
appropriate on the grounds of the safety and suitability of food for consumption?”
The text indicates where such questions are likely to arise by using the phrases “where necessary”
and “where appropriate”. In practice, this means that, although the requirement is generally
appropriate and reasonable, there will nevertheless be some situations where it is neither
necessary nor appropriate on the grounds of food safety and suitability. In deciding whether a
requirement is necessary or appropriate, an assessment of the risk should be made, preferably
within the framework of the HACCP approach. This approach allows the requirements in this
document to be flexibly and sensibly applied with a proper regard for the overall objectives of
producing food which is safe and suitable for consumption. In so doing it takes into account the
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wide diversity of activities and varying degrees of risk involved in producing food. Additional
guidance is available in specific food codes.
For the purpose of this Code, the following expressions have the meaning stated:
Cleaning - the removal of soil, food residue, dirt, grease or other objectionable matter.
Contaminant - any biological or chemical agent, foreign matter, or other substances not
intentionally added to food which may compromise food safety or suitability.
Contamination - the introduction or occurrence of a contaminant in food or food environment.
Disinfection - the reduction, by means of chemical agents and/or physical methods, of the number
of micro-organisms in the environment, to a level that does not compromise food safety or
Establishment - any building or area in which food is handled and the surroundings under the
control of the same management.
Food hygiene - all conditions and measures necessary to ensure the safety and suitability of food
at all stages of the food chain.
Hazard - a biological, chemical or physical agent in, or condition of, food with the potential to
cause an adverse health effect.
HACCP - a system which identifies, evaluates, and controls hazards which are significant for food
Food handler - any person who directly handles packaged or unpackaged food, food equipment
and utensils, or food contact surfaces and is therefore expected to comply with food hygiene
Food safety - assurance that food will not cause harm to the consumer when it is prepared and/or
eaten according to its intended use.
Food suitability - assurance that food is acceptable for human consumption according to its
intended use.
Primary production - those steps in the food chain up to and including, for example, harvesting,
slaughter, milking, fishing.
Primary production should be managed in a way that ensures that food is safe and suitable for its
intended use. Where necessary, this will include:
− avoiding the use of areas where the environment poses a threat to the safety of food;
− controlling contaminants, pests and diseases of animals and plants in such a way as not to
pose a threat to food safety;
− adopting practices and measures to ensure food is produced under appropriately hygienic
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To reduce the likelihood of introducing a hazard which may adversely affect the safety of food, or
its suitability for consumption, at later stages of the food chain.
Potential sources of contamination from the environment should be considered. In particular,
primary food production should not be carried on in areas where the presence of potentially
harmful substances would lead to an unacceptable level of such substances in food.
The potential effects of primary production activities on the safety and suitability of food should
be considered at all times. In particular, this includes identifying any specific points in such
activities where a high probability of contamination may exist and taking specific measures to
minimize that probability. The HACCP-based approach may assist in the taking of such measures
- see Hazard Analysis and Critical Control (HACCP) Point System and Guidelines for its
Application (Annex).
Producers should as far as practicable implement measures to:
• control contamination from air, soil, water, feedstuffs, fertilizers (including natural fertilizers),
pesticides, veterinary drugs or any other agent used in primary production;
• control plant and animal health so that it does not pose a threat to human health through food
consumption, or adversely affect the suitability of the product; and
• protect food sources from faecal and other contamination.
In particular, care should be taken to manage wastes, and store harmful substances appropriately.
On-farm programmes which achieve specific food safety goals are becoming an important part of
primary production and should be encouraged.
Procedures should be in place to:
• sort food and food ingredients to segregate material which is evidently unfit for human
• dispose of any rejected material in a hygienic manner; and
• Protect food and food ingredients from contamination by pests, or by chemical, physical or
microbiological contaminants or other objectionable substances during handling, storage and
Care should be taken to prevent, so far as reasonably practicable, deterioration and spoilage
through appropriate measures which may include controlling temperature, humidity, and/or other
Appropriate facilities and procedures should be in place to ensure that:
• any necessary cleaning and maintenance is carried out effectively; and
• an appropriate degree of personal hygiene is maintained.
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Depending on the nature of the operations, and the risks associated with them, premises,
equipment and facilities should be located, designed and constructed to ensure that:
− contamination is minimized;
− design and layout permit appropriate maintenance, cleaning and disinfections and minimize
air-borne contamination;
− surfaces and materials, in particular those in contact with food, are non-toxic in intended
use and, where necessary, suitably durable, and easy to maintain and clean;
− where appropriate, suitable facilities are available for temperature, humidity and other
controls; and
− there is effective protection against pest access and harbourage.
Attention to good hygienic design and construction, appropriate location, and the provision of
adequate facilities, is necessary to enable hazards to be effectively controlled.
4.1.1 Establishments
Potential sources of contamination need to be considered when deciding where to locate food
establishments, as well as the effectiveness of any reasonable measures that might be taken to
protect food. Establishments should not be located anywhere where, after considering such
protective measures, it is clear that there will remain a threat to food safety or suitability. In
particular, establishments should normally be located away from:
• environmentally polluted areas and industrial activities which pose a serious threat of
contaminating food;
• areas subject to flooding unless sufficient safeguards are provided;
• areas prone to infestations of pests;
• areas where wastes, either solid or liquid, cannot be removed effectively.
4.1.2 Equipment
Equipment should be located so that it:
• permits adequate maintenance and cleaning;
• functions in accordance with its intended use; and
• facilitates good hygiene practices, including monitoring.
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4.2.1 Design and layout
Where appropriate, the internal design and layout of food establishments should permit good food
hygiene practices, including protection against cross-contamination between and during
operations by foodstuffs.
4.2.2 Internal structures and fittings
Structures within food establishments should be soundly built of durable materials and be easy to
maintain, clean and where appropriate, able to be disinfected. In particular the following specific
conditions should be satisfied where necessary to protect the safety and suitability of food:
• the surfaces of walls, partitions and floors should be made of impervious materials with no
toxic effect in intended use;
• walls and partitions should have a smooth surface up to a height appropriate to the operation;
• floors should be constructed to allow adequate drainage and cleaning;
• ceilings and overhead fixtures should be constructed and finished to minimize the build up of
dirt and condensation, and the shedding of particles;
• windows should be easy to clean, be constructed to minimize the build up of dirt and where
necessary, be fitted with removable and cleanable insect-proof screens. Where necessary,
windows should be fixed;
• doors should have smooth, non-absorbent surfaces, and be easy to clean and, where necessary,
• working surfaces that come into direct contact with food should be in sound condition, durable
and easy to clean, maintain and disinfect. They should be made of smooth, non-absorbent
materials, and inert to the food, to detergents and disinfectants under normal operating
4.2.3 Temporary/mobile premises and vending machines
Premises and structures covered here include market stalls, mobile sales and street vending
vehicles, temporary premises in which food is handled such as tents and marquees.
Such premises and structures should be sited, designed and constructed to avoid, as far as
reasonably practicable, contaminating food and harbouring pests.
In applying these specific conditions and requirements, any food hygiene hazards associated with
such facilities should be adequately controlled to ensure the safety and suitability of food.
4.3.1 General
Equipment and containers (other than once-only use containers and packaging) coming into
contact with food, should be designed and constructed to ensure that, where necessary, they can
be adequately cleaned, disinfected and maintained to avoid the contamination of food. Equipment
and containers should be made of materials with no toxic effect in intended use. Where
necessary, equipment should be durable and movable or capable of being disassembled to allow
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for maintenance, cleaning, disinfection, monitoring and, for example, to facilitate inspection for
4.3.2 Food control and monitoring equipment
In addition to the general requirements in paragraph 4.3.1, equipment used to cook, heat treat,
cool, store or freeze food should be designed to achieve the required food temperatures as rapidly
as necessary in the interests of food safety and suitability, and maintain them effectively. Such
equipment should also be designed to allow temperatures to be monitored and controlled. Where
necessary, such equipment should have effective means of controlling and monitoring humidity,
air-flow and any other characteristic likely to have a detrimental effect on the safety or suitability
of food. These requirements are intended to ensure that:
• harmful or undesirable micro-organisms or their toxins are eliminated or reduced to safe levels
or their survival and growth are effectively controlled;
• where appropriate, critical limits established in HACCP-based plans can be monitored; and
• temperatures and other conditions necessary to food safety and suitability can be rapidly
achieved and maintained.
4.3.3 Containers for waste and inedible substances
Containers for waste, by-products and inedible or dangerous substances, should be specifically
identifiable, suitably constructed and, where appropriate, made of impervious material.
Containers used to hold dangerous substances should be identified and, where appropriate, be
lockable to prevent malicious or accidental contamination of food.
4.4.1 Water supply
An adequate supply of potable water with appropriate facilities for its storage, distribution and
temperature control, should be available whenever necessary to ensure the safety and suitability of
Potable water should be as specified in the latest edition of WHO Guidelines for Drinking Water
Quality, or water of a higher standard. Non-potable water (for use in, for example, fire control,
steam production, refrigeration and other similar purposes where it would not contaminate food),
shall have a separate system. Non-potable water systems shall be identified and shall not connect
with, or allow reflux into, potable water systems.
4.4.2 Drainage and waste disposal
Adequate drainage and waste disposal systems and facilities should be provided. They should be
designed and constructed so that the risk of contaminating food or the potable water supply is
4.4.3 Cleaning
Adequate facilities, suitably designated, should be provided for cleaning food, utensils and
equipment. Such facilities should have an adequate supply of hot and cold potable water where
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mislim da sam ti već skrenuo pažnju da ovakvo citiranje ima mali ili nikakav efekat. Ti se očigledno ne slažeš.
Šta nam ti dokazuješ ovim citatom:
-da je po kodeksu sve bezbedno,
-ništa nije bezbedno
-ili po nešto nije bezbedno
-ili nešto četvrto
Ja se sasvim pristojno služim engleskim ali ne mogu do besvesti da da iščitavam neke suvoparne pravilnike. Ovakvo citiranje po malo dođe kao gušenje teme.
Tu nema tvog stava. Meni se čini da je smisao citata da potkrepi ono što tvrdiš.
Dakle šta ti u stvari tvrdiš i čime to potkrepljuješ?
Moram da se složim sa Tarom po ovom pitanju, ove generalne smernice ne govore mnogo o kodeksu. Svako bi se složio sa ovakvim generalnim smernicama ali....Pokušavao sam da čitam i ranije na njihovom sajtu ali sam odustao baš zbog te generalizacije.
Ali ako malo udješ u detalje gde su brojke vidiš da njihovi standardi nemaju veze sa mozgom. Ponekad su minimalne dozvojlene količine štetnih materija tolike da ne postoji nijedan standard na svetu po kojem bi mogle da prodju. I sad pošto su to samo "preporuke" oni koji ne prihvate nemogu ni da trguju preko WTO što praktično znači da im je tržište značajno smanjeno na zemlje sa kojima imaju bilateralne odnose.
U takvoj situaciji domaći standardi se ne poštuju već standardi kodeksa, što praktično nije nikakva garancija da je roba bezbedna već samo da se potpisnici kodeksa oslobadjaju odgovornosti na ime nekog "standarda" koji ustvari nije važeći nigde.
dzionik je napisao(la):
Ali ako malo udješ u detalje gde su brojke vidiš da njihovi standardi nemaju veze sa mozgom. Ponekad su minimalne dozvojlene količine štetnih materija tolike da ne postoji nijedan standard na svetu po kojem bi mogle da prodju.

E, sad se ja slažem sa tobom :haha:
šalu na stranu. Ako je neko već posvetio vreme iščitavanju i dešifrovanju onda treba da kaže u čemu je problem i da citira (copy-paste) i/ili da link na konkretnu stvar a ne na ceo materijal. Za to se zalažem.
Pa morao sam tako da se izrazim jer se uglavnom slažem sa Biodinamikom :)
.ebiga ne mogu da tražim opet, imam utisak da se slabo čita kad se postavi link prema takvim tekstovima pa se zato nisam ni trudio da sačuvam.
Taj pravni engleski je za mene prava mora, moram po tri puta da čitam rečenicu ne bi li ukapirao šta je pisac hteo da kaže da li može ili ne može, da li je od ili do.....
Sinoc me pozvao prijatelj i postavio mi pitanje dali sam cuo za Codex Alimentarijus ?
Na njegovu inicijativu sam nasao i procitao i odlucio da ovaj tekst podelim sa vama. Tekst pripada gospodinu Nikoli Aleksicu .


Упозоравамо грађане Србије да су се на нашем тржишту појавили прехрамбени производи опасни по живот и здравље обележени знаком пирамиде и именом Codex Alimentarius.

Наведени производи су се појавили на тржишту Србије незаконито, јер геноцидни Codex Alimentarius у Србији није усвојен, није ,,усклађен”, нити може бити, јер су одредбе Codex Alimentarius-а у супротности са Ротердамском и Копенхашком конвенцијом, чија је Србија потписница и које имају већу снагу од било ког закона.

Било какво мењање или ,,усклађивање” закона да би се Codex Alimentarius почео примењивати у Србији је неприхватљиво док је Србија потписник наведених конвенција.

Codex Alimentarius садржи обавезујуће одредбе о коришћењу вештачког говеђег хормона раста и антибиотика у свим врстама меса намењених људској исхрани, што ће имати несагледиве последице по здравље садашњих и будућих генерација. Све врсте прехрамбених намирница се по одредбама Codex Alimentarius-а морају зрачити да би дуже трајале, а не постоје безбедне дозе зрачења за људско здравље. У пољопривредној производњи Codex Alimentarius обавезује употребу једино генетски модификованог семена, а од 12 забрањених хербицида као најопаснијих хемијских средстава за заштиту пољопривредних производа, Codex Alimentarius на листу дозвољених једињења враћа седам, као ДДТ, линдан, малатион и друге отрове. Званичне препоруке Codex Alimentarius-а су смањиле минималне количине хранљивих материја у људској исхрани, тако да ће се у земљама које прихвате Codex Alimentarius, витамини, лековите траве (чајеви), корисни минерали бити забрањени у слободној продаји.

Аутори Codex Alimentarius-а су приликом састављања одредби планирали смрт три милијарде људи, једну милијарду од непосредне примене одредби Codex Alimentarius-а, а две милијарде од последица потхрањености и немогућности лечења, а све у циљу смањења људске популације на за њих прихватљиву једну милијарду.

Codex Alimentarius је наставак нацистичке филозофије кога је осмислио Fritz De Meer, директор фармацеутске компаније I.G.Farben (данас Novartis) која је производила Циклон Б за гасне коморе у конц логорима током Другог светског рата. Због тога је у Нирнбергу 1945. године осуђен због злочина против човечности.

Зато упозоравамо грађане Србије, уместо Владе Србије и ресорних министарстава која су увучена у коло геноцида над сопственим народом, НЕ КУПУЈТЕ НАМИРНИЦЕ СА ЗНАКОМ ПИРАМИДЕ УЗ КОЈИ СТОЈИ НАЗИВ CODEX ALIMENTARIUS, ЈЕР ТАЈ ЗНАК ПРЕДСТАВЉА НАДГРОБНИ СПОМЕНИК НАШЕМ ЗДРАВЉУ И БУДУЋНОСТИ.

Обележене намирнице због штетних састојака у себи код корисника и потомака могу да изазову малигна обољења, стерилитет, шећерну болест, атрофију мозга, импотенцију и још 60 најтежих обољења.

Добро загледајте производе при куповини, бескрупулозни произвођачи су већ добили зелено светло од одговорних политичара и описани знак ставили на своје производе, као на паковања виршли у месарама ,,Матијевић”.

Бојкотујте те производе, заобилазите такве продавнице, а ако скину знак са производа и наставе са продајом отрова, судићемо им!

Никола Алексић, с.р.